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We have only tapped into a few innovative ways to exploit sustainable technologies to improve our every day lives. From power generation, distribution, and consumption to health environment safety, AT is creating new sustainable innovations that maintain three simple principles; 1) simplicity of design; 2) scalability in commercialization; 3) industry agnostic.  With these driving principles, AT's solutions and product offerings are unmatached in the market place.

AT"s approach has been proven time and again in the marketplace. Whether it is large hospital systems utilizing innovative sustainable power optimization innovations or through the development and commercialization of sustainable health environment safety products and solutions to reduce pathogens and improve air quality.  In our new era of pandemic experience and awareness, AT's innovations are not only timely but elevate and improve the human experience.

AURA Tecnología is committed to design, commercialize and deploy sustainable innovations that deliver desired improvements whilst reducing negative impact to surrounding environments. AT's sustainability focus is the North Star that guides key development processes, workflows, and deployments of innovations contemplated for delivery to the marketplace.  It is through this discipline that AT's innovations are also commercialized.




Aura Tecnología, Ltd. ("AT") was born of a decade of focused technology development by its founder and venture technologist, George J. Awad to solve the immediate problems surrounding improving the human experience through sustainable innovations. Working with industry leaders, AT has a number of projects underway in the power optimization and health environment safety areas. 


AT's focus is to  create, commercialize and deliver impactful sustainable innovations technologies across various industries.


Various successful deployments of solutions offered by AT in various settings: e.g., optimize power utilization across an institutional setting, identify and deploy early designs of power recycling.  

AT's go-to-market strategy is predicated on scaling its commercialized pipeline for the benefit of environment and consumers alike.


Power Recycling Project -  By recycling wasted power through AT's proprietary innovations, overall carbon footprint and greenhouse gases through are mitigated through reduced power consumption and overall power generation.


AT's innovation avail a sustainable power generation model that delivers immediate value to consumers and distributors alike.

Moreover, in recycling the wasted power consumers are availed longer lifespans for their electric machines, lighting, and electronics having an indirect beneficial impact on the environment as these components, machines, and electronics will not contribute to ever increasing land fills.



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